Why you are continually added to Hollywood's "Best Dressed" lists is beyond me. For the three years you greedily hung on to the 1950's housedress style, worn by the likes of Beaver's mom, I refused to watch Sex & the City (although that had more to do with me not having cable because it's an unnecessary expense when you are young and have a weekend alcohol dependency to nourish). Therefore I say with all seriousness, that if you plan on bringing back sequins or even think of inventing a "Vegas Show Girl" style, I won't go see your new-ish movie with Matthew McConaughey (even though I hadn't planned on it anyway because to be honest I'm sick of the romantic comedies and after seeing something as kick-ass as V for Vendetta I feel like all movies should have substance and be related to overthrowing oppressive governments whilst wielding knives).
Never Been a Fan
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