Mr. Elvis Duran from the New York City radio station, Z100, mentioned on Monday that he knew people who attended the event. According to said friends, the highlight of the evening was when the entire crowd booed Cletus.
I would sell my soul to have seen that. Except that I already did when I wished that untalented hacks that belong in Pensacola trailer parks made more money than me by spreading their semen and ruining the careers of young celebrities.
It's nice that he's adopted the male-pattern muffin-top look. And coyly decided to hide it under his undershirt.
And in neither instance (having muffin-top and being coy about it) is it acceptable.
OK seriously - why the goddamn hell does this twat have an audience?
I suspect it has something to do with the phenomenon of why Americans watch NASCAR: to be witness to a horrible crash.
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