The answer to the first: obviously not. I've stopped speculating about the second.
Optimists make me sick
What: State Fair of Texas
When: Sept. 25 - Oct. 18, 2009
Where: Fair Park, Dallas
Why: An auto show? Check. Livestock exhibit? Check. American culinary genius in the form of fried candy bars? This wouldn't be Texas without them. Now if only they had a freak show.
Min, this is quite the blogging burst.
Unlike the subjects of your derision.
I'm really busy at work so busy in fact that I can't focus on much-like grammar- so I log on to check my e-mail about 10 times a minute while I wait for UPS to deliver materials for a conference I set up for the owners of the firm and they lost the packages or something and they haven't arrived in Honolulu and the thought of them never arriving makes me feel like throwing up a little because then everything will be a disaster so then I call UPS and tell them to fly it over to the god damned island by F-ing carrier pigeon if they have to and the sarcasm was lost over the phone I guess because they thought I was serious and they said there was really nothing they could do until 9 a.m. Hawaii-time which is 3 p.m. our time...and by the end of today I'll probably collapse in a heap on the floor of my office and cry a little. But I'm glad you're impressed. I blog for my fan. S.
What a cheek. Imagine offering an express parcel service and acting like the Pony Express.
Pffft. (Whatever that means. I think it's appropriate.)
The regional manager should be taking you out for an extravagant lunch (or just send you the value thereof so you don't have to eat with said Pony Express representative but can instead dine with someone of your choice) as recompense for a Friday spent thrumming your fingernails.
Thank you for blogging, I don't know why everyone else out here isn't as smitten as me.
Pffft to all those non-readers. (Ditto disclaimer above.)
I don't want to go out with our regional manager. He probably bathes in Old Spice and wears ugly pants.
And even if I received the value of a nice lunch in the form of cash, I don't like Florida.
Pffft to those non-readers, indeed.
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