Either Ms. Swinton has a case of painful indigestion, or the reason she played an asexual being so well is because it hit so close to home.
I vote the latter. She looks painfully uncomfortable in...yeah, we'll call that a dress.
I would make a joke about her having no chin, but that might be a genetic malformation, and I would never stoop that low. Instead, I'll joke about her Amazonian complex and her She-Ra wrist bands. And she has no chin.
One word:
Sexually ambiguous? That's too nice of you Min. More like species ambiguous.
Is she human or borg?
*not even her toes are attractive*
There certainly is something borg-ish about her. I think it's the clammy looking skin.
Same goes for Orlando. They've come to assimilate us.
So when I typed Orlando, I meant the movie.
But now that I think of it, I couldn've meant Orlanda Bloom and the thread would still kind of work.
But I also thought of Orlando FL. And then the thread didn't kinda'sorta work.
I'm not making any sense. That's probably because I'm hung over from a company event last night which was followed by an after party during which a married co-worker grabbed me and Frenched me.
What would his wife say?
Holy. Crap. You lead a charmed life, you know?
Orlando is a movie?
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