J1: I drove into the city with him this morning. He plied me with a medium Dunkin' Donuts Hazelnut so before we even hit the 39th St. exit from FDR Drive I was rocking in my seat trying to squeeze myself shut, lest I let go on his leather seats. Lucky me; he doesn't know Broadway is a one-way and now we have to go up to 8th Ave. before crossing down. I jumped out of his car at the next light, ran into a cafe and begged to use their restroom. I walked back 4 blocks to the office. It was the happiest walk I've ever taken.
JFem: I didn't know it was dress-down day, honey.
LarryB: Asian. Bad teeth, bad haircut, bad suit. How did you get this job? There is only one explanation: your boss digs gaysians.
LarryS: White. Nice tie, is it clip-on? Are you even old enough to shave?
Aussie: If I close my eyes while you speak, it's not half as bad. G'day!
J2: Please don't embarrass me by adopting your Guinea-ese from Westchester County or I'll kill you after our clients leave.
J3: How many more croissants are you going to eat?? Seriously, 3 is a record.
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