Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Fun At The Gym

Walking into the locker room at the gym yesterday, I turned the corner to find a naked woman trying with all her might to rid a wet bathing suit from her old, wrinkled body. It's rude to stare, I know, but I had never seen ta-tas reach as precariously close to the floor as hers. While looking on in astonishment, she glanced up to see me staring back at her. I pretended I forgot something and turned around quickly, only to look into a mirror displaying, once again, Sarah McSaggy in all her glory. Needless to say, this traumatic experience is going to take up at least three sessions with my therapist.


Puffins said...
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Puffins said...

And why is it fuglies are the most ceremonious at the gym as well? I just want to scream: Hey eighteen-wheeler-semi-tranny with the third nipple…yeah YOU…stop jazzercising in front of my locker.