Saturday, November 05, 2005

My Neighbor Is A Big Fat Whore

If I was to describe the number one reason I dislike my neighbor so much, it wouldn't be the fact that she somehow manages to not do anything noticeably constructive on a daily basis, nor the fact that on no less than 5 separate occassions she has woken me up from a sound sleep by holding loud, thoroughly uninteresting conversations on her cell phone right outside my bedroom window. It probably wouldn't even have anything do to with the very obvious prostitution ring she has set up in her apartment, either. The reason I wouldn't lose any sleep if my A/C unit "accidentally" fell out of my window and maimed her beyond all human recognition is simply because her taste in music is painful. Our apartment walls aren't very thick; if I have to listen to The Cranberries Zombie one more time, someone WILL get hurt.

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