Wednesday, March 01, 2006

How Was Your Weekend?

I spent it in Hell, thanks for asking. Specifically, the 8th level of Hell, New Jersey. I took the Mister to see one of his favorite bands, whose closest show to us got it...New Jersey. It's the Whitesnake of states, eternally preserved in Aquanet, acid wash jeans and *shudder* spandex.

The show consisted of four bands: Halestorm, Fly...something...Fly...paper? Flystrip? Flyleaf! That's it...Flyleaf. Shinedown (the band we went to see) and Seether (whom we didn't stay to see). Halestorm was great; the lead singer was a rockin' chick that reminded me of Janis Joplin, only pretty, and not visibly strung out. Powerful voice. Flypoop consisted of a female lead singer who looked more like a 10 year old boy with long hair and sounded like a barking seal. The lead guitarist reminded me of a muppet on speed. They are the sole reason my ears have been ringing for three days straight. That and maybe the pot I inadvertently inhaled from the 14 year old next to me taking hits off a small pipe.

On the way home from New Jersey we took a detour to find a bathroom before I wet myself. We wound up in Chinatown. Really. I ran into a McDonald's bathroom with one toilet and no door lock. I didn't care.

The only redeeming quality of the entire trip was that we found gas in New Jersey for $1.97. There was much rejoicing.

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