What are you so happy about Haylie Duff? The fact that your career - if you want to call a brief stint as a pregnant, unwed college kid on 7th Heaven, a role in Napoleon Dynamite and a very unsexy spread in Maxim (in which sales historically plunged to negative 10 because subscribers demanded their money back after having paid up front for a whole year's worth of what is essentially soft core porn) a career - is hanging precariously on what little popularity your little sister has left with the tween population? Or is it because you're totally rocking a silk scarf straight from the sweat houses of India to the opening of a new Hollywood gym? And secondly, I didn't think horses were allowed indoors anymore. Because of code violations or something.
Horses indoors!!
Min, you out-do yourself. By a short half-head.
*they really do look equine*
I decided against the "why the long face" angle. I'm happy with the results.
Thanks, as always, for the praise. I now love you; I'm easy to please.
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