Mr. Wombat is Australian. Australians have amazingly hot accents. Most people, therefore, would equate Mr. W as amazingly hot, despite the fact that they've never seen even a picture of him. I occasionally go through the comments on his posts specifically to note how many chicks a) post a comment, b) invite him over for dinner and implied shag-fest and c) outright confess their love for him.
Mr. W is far from stupid, and what little I know of him, I'm certain he basks in the gloriousness of having so many...ah hem...willing prospects, yet still maintains a composed sense of humility. Which perhaps lends to the appeal. Funny, intelligent, witty and completely open about the one aspect of people's lives they tend to keep private: sex.
So my question is...what if Mr. W truly did resemble a wombat? Would housewives and underpaid admin assistants still relish his every word? Would they bother posting painfully obvious double entendre-packed responses to his blog? It just takes some elementary logic. If all Australians are hot, and Mr. W is Australian, then Mr. W is hot.
The point here isn't even to speculate what Wombat looks like, because it is irrelevant. What is relevant is the answer to his question: Do chicks dig the brain, or the rock star?
Answer: every woman will say the brain, but still lust after the rocker.
...and I thought I'd collected and destroyed all the family snaps...damn digital photography.
BTW: That's Uncle Wally at Festivus 2002.
Had a few too many to drink, did he?
Are you calling Wally a druncle?
No, actually, he's a member of the Wombat Temperance League. Reformed drinkers are the worst. This is him looking welcoming. He's all heart, really.
Yes, I'm sure all the little'uns clamber around him during family reunions for stories of the good ol' days.
The rest of your family does indeed look charming.
...and now off to lunch/shoe shopping. Tell Wally I meant no offense.
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