But lest you think my home life will now be uneventful, I submit to you this photo. Roofers have been patching up our home for the past two weeks. Every night I come home from work, a different piece of trash is in my driveway. Friday night I came home to this. It is obviously two human skeletons; ones you might find in Mr. Brightly's AP Bio class my senior year in high school. But what, pray tell, is it doing in my driveway? I couldn't tell you. In fact, I'd much rather not know why my landlord might have something like this stashed away in his attic.
But I will say that the disappearance of Ho-Bag and the timely surfacing of these photos could be the key to my rent never rising.
Isn't this what passes for installation art thesedays?
Take the skellingtons and find an agent. Min, you are about to take the art world by storm.
The best thing: Cynic for Hire is the best possible name.
Plus, it's a hell of a lot better than the miming act I see every time I get off the train. Broadway and W. 37th without fail...he's there. Oh, wait. I think he might just be homeless.
Homeless? Oh, you mean bum. Homeless bum mime. Oxymoronic.
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