"Why do you dislike him so much, Min?" you must be asking yourself. I'll tell you. His entire premise of creativity is based on being "shocking". Oh my, he wears black lipstick and contacts that make his eyes appear completely white. How. Fucking. Shocking.
His entire popularity (and I use the term loosely) stems from his ability to exploit high school outcasts like himself. Boo hoo, you were born ugly, so you write songs explaining how hateful pretty people are. The Beautiful People are obviously intellectually and artistically inferior to you because they don't walk around in androgynous Lycra bodysuits on MTV or design album covers that display gratuitous piles of blood and/or random body parts. You are so scandalous, Brian.
Moreover, I think his music is absolutely terrible. Structurally, poetically, and any other -ally.
Also, it's nearly 80 degrees in London and he's wearing that.
Mr. H is a huge fan, and was muchly disappointed when Vancouver was left of the tour skeddy...I on the other hand breathed the BIGGEST sigh of relief!
Hope you are doing OK chicka!
Doing wonderful, and hoping to have time to actually update once in awhile!
Brian is such a weenie name, too.
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