Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Candy Is For Rotten, Dirty Little Children

I had the opportunity of visiting Satan...erm...I mean, my dentist...yesterday. While I was waiting, two little boys walked in behind their father, who looked somewhat like a cadaver, and so at first I naturally thought they were Trick-or-Treating. Until I realized the irony of asking a dentist for candy. Then I realized the irony of sending your children to the dentist on Halloween.

Johnny: "Why can't we dress up like all the other kids and go to stranger's houses to beg for candy that may or may not have razor blades jutting out from them?"

Cadaver Dad: "Because candy is for children who haven't been baptized and if you eat it you'll go to Hell and mommy will hate you."

1 comment:

Puffins said...

Speaking of Candy, someone is getting addicted to this whole new setup.

How wonderful the Updates will be...