Thursday, May 10, 2007

In Three, Two, One...

Our departure date of June 3rd is fast approaching. This weekend is a "Sayonara Sale" to try to get rid of the stuff we can't bring to Nagoya - own your own little piece of Min! - next weekend is our going-away party, the following weekend finds us in Rhode Island for a wedding, and the next Sunday we're gone.

I vacillate between feeling prepared and thinking "Yes, it's terrific I know how to ask 'do you understand English' in Japanese".

I've also been doing virtually nothing at work and feel strangely justified in doing it. It works to counter-act the stress pimples that keep surfacing.

But I think a dream I had last night sums up how I really feel about the move: I'm walking down a street in Nagoya, arm-in-arm with my bodyguard, when I point up to my left and say 'look at that' and giggle. That's all I remember about the dream. It's rather simple, and nonchalant, and...natural.

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