Having a great time. Wish you were here. Yadda, yadda, yadda.
- Driving on the "wrong" side of the road has been fun; I might have more difficulty switching back.
- I caught a cold the first day here; on top of jetlag, fever and cold/wet weather, happy thoughts of ending my life crossed my mind. I was reassured by locals that it's a common feeling among tourists.
- I was asked today if world maps printed in the US featured our country in the middle of the map. Though an odd question, a good one just the same. My response was "Not yet".
- Met some Tazmanian's, Mr. W.
- Sorry, Puff. No hotties to note, as of yet.
- Met some terrific people that you'll hear more about. I'm currently spending the night at Mariosa's (For free! Woo hoo!) - a juggler by trade. She's good people. And I'm using her internet service, so I should probably get going.
Talk to y'all soon.