Friday, January 20, 2006

Office Renovations

I must apologize for my infrequent updates this past fortnight. I've been extremely high on toxic fumes coming from office renovations across the hall. I've been a little light headed and I sometimes lose consciousness or start rambling about incoherent memories of childhood Christmas dinners and then it goes downhill from there. What was I saying? Yes...toxic fumes. Imagine, if you will, the odor of cigarette smoke, cheap cologne and Murphy's Oil. Do you even know what Murphy's Oil is?! Can you even tell me how there can be such a combination of smells on this earth?! And to top it all off...the office next door is addicted to microwave popcorn, so the entire smell just gets worse, smelling like something between a movie theatre from Hell and a certain bar I used to frequent in up-state New York with all you can eat Buffalo Wing specials and men with poodle mullets...

It's been a rough week. I need a drink. Or 12. I'll talk to you on Monday. Maybe. If I don't update for awhile, stop by and poke me with a stick, will you?

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