Friday, June 16, 2006

Friday Bullets: A Moment Of Zen

  • I love casual Fridays. As I sit at my desk, my black stilletos peeking out from the hem of my favorite jeans, eating my free gelato...what's that, you ask? How did I get a free gelato? I may have no penis - and in my company that's a near crime - but I do have breasts. And it just so happens that most men in my company like mine. Coconut. Gelato, that is.
  • Mr. "Call me Scott" came in for his interview. He looked all of 17, right down to the pimples, oil-slicked skin and clammy hands. Let it be known that he will not be hired. As entertaining as his e-mails were, he was conversely as unimpressive as they come. I don't even remember how the interview went; I was busy staring at the blemish on the left side of his nose, which I affectionately named "Kent".
  • Sweden won their football match last night (yay almost home country!); you didn't see any fans roaming the streets, honking their horns and hanging out of their sunroofs, did you? DID YOU ECUADOR?


Unknown said...

I'd forgotten how grotty boys of that age are.

He was unemployable on the basis of his hygiene, let alone his unfamiliarity with English and its syntactical nuances.

I hope you told him so.


Min said...

He e-mailed again this morning, thanking me for the interview. Two exclamation points in a two-sentence e-mail.

Unknown said...

He has a big future on MTV, or as Britney's eighth husband in 2009.

Both careers require no discernment.


Min said...

Does MTV still exist? They're one of the reasons I stopped watching television.

No...I think F. Scott is a bit too white collar for Brit. But man would their kids have some acne.