Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Nicole Kidman Definitely-Probably Pregnant

More amazing than the little bump protruding beneath that cute little maternity-esque summer dress is the fact that the brand spanking new Urbans just left a Target. Next you'll be telling me that celebrities take poos in public restrooms. Lies! All Lies!! I just won't have it.


Unknown said...

Remind me again: who are these people and why do they matter?


Min said...

Oh, c'mon Mr. W...they're your fellow Aussies. That has to count for something.

Secondarily, Kidman survived years of marriage to a psychotic Xenu worshipper.

Unknown said...

They're no longer Aussies, they're Celebritystanites. That's a country just north of Utter Self-Absorption, and a little to the east of Irrelevance.

Isn't the length of their marriage proof that Kidman's just as nuts as Cruise? She stayed years after any normal person would have laughed his arse out of Hollywood.

"You mean that you believe in a religion created by a third-rate science-fiction writer? You're a jackass" is the appropriate response. Not "Let's adopt children."

I'm sorry, but it's impossible to take any of these knuckleheads remotely seriously.

To wit: the photo.


Min said...

Such animosity. Have you been reading my blog for too long?

And who said anything about taking Celebritystanites (which sounds something akin to a cave formation) seriously? I think they're fun to watch. Like monkeys at the Primate Exhibit at the zoo. Except celebrities don't fling poo at each other. Often.

Min said...

PS - all solid points you've got there.

Unknown said...

Funny, writing that I thought how appropriate was the venue.

I've been Minned.

Happily and cynically,


Min said...

It was very appropriate, but you're too nice to sink to my cynical level.

I'm just looking out for you, Mr. W ;)

Unknown said...

I like to think of it as rising to your level.

Thank you for being on my side though.
