Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Moral Obligation? I Don't Know What You Mean.

One of the few perks as the Marketing Director of my firm is that usually around "The Holidays" I get thank-yous from clients and businesses who have gained our business through my efforts.

Sometimes the thank-yous are in gift form. This sweeps me into a dilemma: Do I keep the gift for myself (seeing as though it's clearly addressed to me) or do I give it to the Boss because the only reason these people are sending gifts this-a way is because I purchased something from them using the Boss' money?

*Half of the participants I interviewed for my non-scientific poll indicated that keeping the gift would almost be like stealing.

The other half reminded me that I only got a $100 gift certificate to a steak house restaurant after my planning of a $40,000 conference exhibit in Honolulu, HI.

I simply have no soul, so no side is particularly more correct to me in this matter.

*It is important to note that the first half of the participants in this poorly researched study was my left shoe. The other half was my half-eaten bowl of vegetarian udon noodles, which, other than being very tasty, might not really be the best judge of morality.

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